Services we provide

Employers have a legal responsibility to protect their employees’ health and safety.  The Occupational Health and Safety Service is committed to providing a high quality, comprehensive range of services to support the organisation in complying with all aspects of Health and Safety Legislation.  We provide a friendly, accessible, customer focused professional service.  We have the appropriate knowledge, skills and experience across all areas of occupational health and safety. 

The Occupational Health and Safety Service provides an advisory and monitoring function across the council.  This function includes all aspects of occupational health and safety including the provision of guidance, management referrals, absence management, return to work and fit to work reviews, basic and bespoke training, accident investigation, compliance checks, monitoring employees at risk from exposure to working methods/processes and employee wellbeing.

The team advises all managers and employees (including employee representatives) about effectively managing health, safety and wellbeing beyond compliance.

The Occupational Health and Safety Service provides a commercial occupational health and safety consultancy to a number of organisations.

Schools who are independent of the Council, i.e. Academies/free schools, can access a Health, Safety and Crime Prevention Consultancy Service from the Health and Safety team.  This service will assist the School to comply with its legal requirements to appoint a competent person for H&S and the service will be tailored to the individual needs of your school.

To discuss specific costs and contract details for your school, please contact the Occupational Health, Safety & Wellbeing Manager on 01743 252814 or email

 Our promise to you:

 We will:

  • Provide services that are tailored to the needs of our customers
  • Provide professional and practical advice
  • Ensure advice and reports are delivered promptly
  • Advise of charges before work is agreed

 Carol Fox

Occupational Health, Safety & Wellbeing Manager